Southwark Cathedral Society of Bellringers

Established 1911,   Reconstituted 1952 & 1977

President: The Dean, The Very Rev'd Andrew Nunn

Ringing at Southwark Cathedral

Cathedral Society Practices

Southwark Cathedral Society practices are every Wednesday from 6.30-8.30pm.
Visiting ringers are welcome to join us at the Cathedral Society practices. Our repertoire is normally Stedman Cinques and various Surprise Maximus methods, but we do cater for those who wish to ring Rounds or Grandsire.

If you are planning to attend please fill in our Safeguarding Form and let the Secretary or Master know to confirm that we are practicing and how to get in. Following the practice, we normally head to the Market Porter.

Access to the Cathedral on weeknights is via the north courtyard which gives access to the Link and Cathedral shop. The door is locked at 7pm.

Some practices have to be held at other towers due to other events at the Cathedral. Wherever possible, notice will be published in the calendar.

Please note that it is Cathedral policy that anyone under 18 must be accompanied by an adult. If you are planning to visit us for a practice or Sunday ringing, please ensure that you observe this otherwise we will unfortunately not be able to allow you access to the tower.

Sunday Service Ringing

The Cathedral bells are rung every Sunday morning from 10.15 to 11am and we will normally go for breakfast afterwards.

Visitors are also welcome on Sunday mornings, when it is best to arrive on time as the tower door is locked at 10:30 am. If you are planning to attend, please fill in our Safeguarding Form and let the Secretary or Master know, to confirm that we are ringing.

There may be ringing for Sunday afternoon services. This is normally a quarter peal for Society members and regular attendees, starting around 4:15pm.

Southwark Cathedral Society Calendar

Other Events

The Cathedral bells are also rung by other ringing societies in London, most frequently by the Ancient Society of College Youths (occasional Tuesdays) and the Society of Royal Cumberland Youths (occasional Wednesdays, when the Cathedral band will practice elsewhere).
All extra practices booked at the Cathedral will normally be posted on the website calendar.

Peal Attempts

Southwark Cathedral has a peal attempt every month, these are normally on Saturdays and can be applied for via the Secretary. Dates are pre-booked and allocated on request.
Peal Fees are £10 a rope and go towards the Bell Fund.

How to Get to Southwark Cathedral

Southwark Cathedral stands on the south-west side of London Bridge.

View Southwark Ringers Map in a larger map
By train - to London Bridge Station (turn right out of the station and cross the main road (Borough High Street).
By underground - Northern or Jubilee Line to London Bridge Station (leave by the Duke Street Hill or Borough High Street exit).
By bus - Routes 17, 21, 35, 40, 43, 47, 48, 133, 141, 149, 343, 344, 381, 521, RV1 and C10 pass or stop nearby the Cathedral.
For more details, see the Transport for London website.

Other towers that the society regularly practice at include St Magnus the Martyr (London Bridge), St Michael (Cornhill) and St Mary-le-Bow (Cheapside). Click here for a map of other towers..

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